Recognizing the Hero's Journey In Your Team

This week, we're sharing what clients tell us about working with us. You'll learn about an approach that our clients consistently call "validating." In this post:

  • The concept of the Hero's Journey

  • How the investment of time is a powerful tool for recognition

  • Ways to show gratitude this week (and earn more of ours by completing a 4 question survey)

The concept of the Hero's Journey

You probably know the adventures of Harry Potter, Dorothy Gale, Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, or Katniss Everdeen. These characters' stories follow a specific arc described by Joseph Campbell in his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. In short, the hero is comfortable in their own world, but then there's a call to adventure and life radically changes. They meet a mentor and undergo a series of challenges in a new environment, discovering strengths and skills within themselves. Ultimately they use these skills to overcome a challenge and return home. This is the hero's journey.

These characters and their stories resonate with every generation because they resemble the learning process. Our clients are the exceptional performers who have experienced their own periods of challenge and discovered new skills. They can name their personal Obi Wan and describe with excitement how they defeated their own Deathstar. At the end of our engagements, our clients consistently say they feel validated and listened to. Many come to empowering realizations about themselves. It's thrilling to help someone realize they are the hero of their own story.

To hear the Hero's Journey told in detail and a fascinating way to use it as an agenda framework, check out this excellent resource at

How the investment of time is a powerful tool for recognition

Our clients also say they would never have taken the time to document their institutional knowledge without our involvement. Life, business, the next fire to put out - something always seemed to get in the way. Our series of scheduled remote interviews was easy to integrate into their day. Each hour-long session was validating and not just another task on their plate.

Hand in hand with validation is an appreciation for the organization that allowed them to dedicate time. Clients say they are grateful to leadership for prioritizing, reflecting, and taking pride in their skills. Our Planned Role Assessments fit well within a formal Reward and Recognition strategy.

Ways to show appreciation this week (and earn more of ours)

We're big on recognition. This is your sixth week receiving our newsletter. Thank you for your feedback and continuing interest.

This week our recommendations are focused on recognizing others and helping us connect with the people you admire.

  • Recognize someone for their own Hero's Journey by forwarding this email. Let them know that you saw their story in our description of the Hero's Journey.

  • Say thank you to your own personal Gandalf or Glinda the Good Witch. Who called you to adventure or helped you realize the power was within you the whole time? We'd appreciate you recommending this email and our newsletter to that important person.

  • Please mentor us by completing a 4 question survey to help us improve this newsletter, our website, and our Google marketing. Thank you in advance.

If we can help you assess and address institutional knowledge and knowledge transfer within your organization, we'd be honored to have the opportunity.


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